20 August 2024

Research peat-free substrate for Calibrachoa

We participated in a study on the cultivation of Calibrachoa in a peat-free substrate. This pilot was carried out at Botany in Horst-Meterik (Netherlands)

The conclusion:
In the pilot conditions, the results of growing on alternative substrates varied. Despite a small amount of loss, the plants from the peat substrate showed by far the most growth compared to the other substrates. In addition to a clear difference between the peat-free mixtures and the substrate based on peat, there were also clear differences between them. Very high loss was observed in two of the peat-free substrates. No connection could be established between this loss and the addition of compost to the substrates.

Furthermore, there were differences in compactness, uniformity, flowering and rooting, to which various factors can be linked, such as chemical properties (pH, EC), as well as physical properties (water content). This pilot has shown that peat-free mixtures bring their own challenges. Stronger varieties could be a solution for any shortcomings, but more insight must certainly be generated into the balance between water supply, fertilization and climate in order to be able to grow optimally in these new substrates. Finally, the transition to peat-free substrates requires not only adjustments in cultivation, but also in retail and with the consumer.

For more information, please contact us at: +31 (0)174-517300 orĀ